Why you need remote power monitoring
The power supply to any power outlet can be lost for a wide range of reasons with far-reaching and potentially expensive consequences. In many cases it’s not the power going out in the area that causes your problem, it’s the RCD (safety switch) tripping for various reasons. NoPowerTXT is the system that will help you to avoid the problem from either cause, easily and inexpensively.
Full-function power monitoring system at an affordable price
NoPowerTXT is a complete solution. Just leave the NoPowerTXT handset connected to its charger, plugged into the power outlet you want to monitor. If the power is disconnected, NoPowerTXT will send a text to your nominated mobile phone(s)… it’s that simple.
NoPowerTXT has been developed by the business owners who were seeking a solution to their power outage problems. See ABOUT US for a brief overview. As NoPowerTXT users, the business owners wanted a system that was easy to use and offered flexible features. Utilising an “off the shelf” Android handset provided the touch screen graphical interface with the programming capability of a microcomputer. We recommend you visit the PHOTO OVERVIEW page to see screen shots and corresponding explanations of the features and flexibility of NoPowerTXT. Also have a look at the VIDEO OVERVIEW page to see NoPowerTXT in operation. These are particularly handy when setting up your NoPowerTXT for the first time. We are confident that you will find NoPowerTXT a valuable asset when it comes to alerting you when power has been disconnected at your remote location.